The event was extremely fun and probably one of the best ones to this day. Orgrimmar was littered with skeletons, and the only safe place to be was Shattrath City. Having a ton of gold was rare back then, so to avoid the cost of a high repair bill, people would take off their gear and hide out.
When the expansion came out, I leveled Vel to 80 and ran a few heroics. By that time, Pig was back and leveled with me. We only went to one raid, and was Naxxaramas. It contained some of our old guild members in it. It was fun, but it just wasn't the same. After that, I never took Vel to another raid. It just doesn't hold the same meaning for me anymore. This is when my play style changed.
Instead of raiding, I began to focus more on fishing and collecting mini pets. I found this hobby to be more addicting than getting the latest and greatest gear. It has forever changed the way I play the game, and I have no problem with that! I collected some BoE items and epic crafted items. My gear wasn't bad. I did heroics with friends and tons of dailies! It was a slow time for me. A bunch of my friends stopped playing; Azeroth felt dead, and I ended up taking a few months off toward the end of the expansion.
See my Scourge Invasion event album HERE.
See my Wrath of the Lich King album HERE.