The guild I was in was called Revelations. They were a really nice group of people and were very willing to help get Vel geared up. We ran lots of instances, and I actually got "keyed" to Karazhan with them. I thank them for helping me get my foot into the door to raid.
Pigletoos, was in a guild that ran Karazhan and Gruul's Lair on weekdays. They had wanted me to join for a while, and I was skeptical about leaving my other guild for them, but I did it. It was either the first or the second night I was with Requiem that they took me to a Karazhan run and loaded me up with epics. It was also the night I met Comawhite. I was so nervous, but he talked me through every boss encounter to keep me relaxed and focused. Joining Requiem made me realize that there was a whole different game to play once you hit level 70.
Raiding was a whole different experience than I was used to. I had decent gear, enchants, gems, but Vel had never truly been taught how to play a mage. I will say this now and forever, but I believe I was shown how to truly play a mage by one of the best mages on Skywall; Zappy. We practiced on Dr. Boom in Netherstorm, and before too long, I had my rotation down!
The first raid that I remember clearly was Serpentshrine Cavern. The fight I remember working the hardest on was Leotheras the Blind. When we finally downed him, he dropped a beautiful spell sword that became mine due to DKP default. I was very lucky and very grateful for all the gear I acquired, but that sword means the most to me. I still have it to this day!
After almost clearing TK and SSC, we moved on to the Battle for Mount Hyjal. MH was intense. The guild would raid 3 nights a week in order to get a piece of tier 6. I had never owned a piece of tier in my entire WoW life. When I finally got my tier 6 glove tokens, I think I heard angels sing. I even enjoyed our off nights where we would run old Vanilla raids. It felt great to be in an end game raiding guild.
Towards the end of my raiding career, we had started to dabble into Black Temple. It was fun, but the raiding was starting to get really tedious. I would come home from work, grab a bite to eat, log on and raid until about 11-12, shower, then go to bed. I would still attend, but the fun was taken out of it when Pig lost his computer to a video card/motherboard failure and couldn't play. After a month or so of his absence, I decided that Vel needed a mini vacation. As with all raiding guilds, if the player isn't on and progressing, we must say goodbye. My best WoW times were with that guild, and even though I didn't show it, I was sad to have parted ways with them.
See my Burning Crusade photo album HERE.
See my Burning Crusade raiding album HERE.